Happy !

JanVrany / CalipeL-S

Project infos

License LGPLv2
Tags benchmark
Creation date 2013-06-08
Website https://bitbucket.org/janvrany/jv-calipel

Monticello registration

About CalipeL-S

NOTE: This repository contains monticello packages exported automatically from Mercurial repository. It is provided as a courtesy to Pharo users to make loading of the code easy and straightforward.


Benchmarking made easy

CalipeL is a simple tool to ease development and maintenance of benchmarks and performance regressions. CalipeL has been heavily inspired by SUnit and Caliper

The basic ideas that drove the development:

  • Benchmarking and (especially) interpreting benchmark results is always a monkey business. The tool should produce raw numbers, letting the user to whichever statisctis she need to make up (desired) results.
  • Benchmark results should be kept and managed at single place so one can view and retrieve all past benchmark results pretty much the same way as one can view and retrieve past versions of the software from source code management tool.


  • simple - creating a benchmark is as simple as writing a method in a class
  • flexible - a special set-up and/or warm-up routines could be specified at benchmark-level as well as set of parameters to allow fine-grained measurements under different conditions
  • batch runner - contains a batch runner allowing one to run benchmarks from a command line or at CI servers such as Jenkins.
  • web - comes with simple web interface to gather and process benchmark results. Example...

Supported Languages / Runtimes

Planned (would be nice if somebody does it)

  • Java (on hold)
  • Ruby
  • Python


See installataion instruction on wiki.

More Information

...could be found on wiki.


  • Jan Vraný <jan.vrany [*] fit.cvut.cz>
  • Marcel Hlopko <marcel [*] hlopko.com>